COUPLES THERAPY: Make the Relationship You Want



“You may not have the relationship you want.

But you can have the relationship you make.”

(Yvonne Agazarian)


A marriage is woven from invisible inner threads that you sew together, which no one else sees.


But the visible goal of marriage is to make a lasting friendship---a working partnership---that your children take as a model for themselves.


Your marriage models how you respect each other’s dreams, even when your dreams differ.  It models how you thrive, despite the storms that life brings.  It models how you fight... and how you repair what you fought about.  Most of all, it models how a successful, long-term relationship is not made by thinking alike , but how you learn to think together .


None of this easy, but your commitment to these principles is what makes a marriage work.


If you've read this far, perhaps it's time to fulfill the hopes that brought you together?


Perhaps it's time to better un derstand the dynamics of your relationship and learn skills that help you do more of what works and less of what doesn't?


Perhaps it's time to make the relationship you want ?



Michael Altshuler, LCSW, CGP

  (914) 478-7952
  21 Jefferson Avenue Hastings-on-Hudson, NY 10706
  [email protected]

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